Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Janelle Monae's The ArchAndroid is in stores now and more importantly on itunes as we speak.  Honestly, pre tightrope Janelle Monae wasn't even on my radar... I know, I know blame it on the radio.  I just happened to have the TV on Vh1 Soul while I was cleaning my place and heard something funky, new, fresh, and super catchy.  I ran to the TV and was captivated by the James Brown-esq funky footwork of some super cute brown skinned girl with a cool natural hairdo.  The song stayed embedded in my brain and I had to find out who was this Janelle Monae.  Let me just say her style is so different and unique it's a breathe of fresh air between the Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Trey Songz takeover that's attacking my eardrums with every turn I take.     

Tip Tip Tip on the tightrope! 

Janelle Monae Presents

Her signature hairstyle, a french roll combined with a Pompadour on top fits her style just right!  I love it!  I'm positive I couldn't rock this style, but I must say it's unique and cute! 

Chloe LA Boutique Opening Party

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