Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Because on a slow news day you can find anything on the internet
N. Korea leader sets world fashion trend: Pyongyang
Or so says France 24 as reported by the AFP
AFP - The trademark suit sported by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is now in fashion worldwide thanks to his greatness, Pyongyang's official website said Wednesday.
Uriminzokkiri, quoting an article in communist party newspaper Rodong Sinmun, said the modest-looking suits have gripped people's imagination and become a global vogue.

The article quoted an unidentified French fashion expert as saying world fashion follows Kim Jong-Il's style.
"Kim Jong-Il mode which is now spreading expeditiously worldwide is something unprecedented in the world's history," the stylist was quoted as saying.

Yeah, there's nothing like an anonymous quote by an unidentified "expert" to give validity to an article
It makes me wonder if Phnom Penh had had an official website in the 1970s what a French "fashion expert" would have said about this Paris educated fashion plate.
07 Apr 2010

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